Giving Back
How Destination Legal Gives Back
A huge part of Destination Legal's mission is helping others protect their passion-based businesses. And while helping people is a big passion of ours, so is travel. That's why we chose FLYTE to be the organization we give to each month.
The Foundation for Learning and Youth Travel Education (FLYTE) is a nonprofit organization that empowers students living in underserved communities through transformative travel experiences.
Travel has played such a huge role in my life and has shaped me since the age of 15. I was fortunate enough to have a family that supported this and sent me to travel abroad to Italy at that age. It opened my world SO much and I was never the same. Continuing to travel through high school, college, and beyond has made me who I am today. It's also one of the main reasons it was so important for me to start Destination Legal - to have the freedom to travel!

I've been lucky enough to visit over 40 countries. A safari in Kenya, the Yi Peng Lantern Ceremony in Thailand, and Petra in Jordan pictured above, just a few of my favorite travel memories!
But not everyone is so fortunate and that's why I'm a proud supporter of FLYTE, which was founded in 2015 by travel author, Matt Kepnes. His website, Nomadic Matt, is one of the most popular websites for budget travelers and one I visited often when I was traveling through Asia and Europe.
FLYTE establishes partnerships with schools in low-income communities which lack the existing resources to provide a global education for their students. They aim to provide schools with the funding to make experiential travel a possibility and provide full scholarships to low-income students to participate.
I'm proud that Destination Legal is able to help youth experience travel and its my hope that it impacts them just as much as it has me.