Destination Legal® Template Licensing Program

With your help, your clients get the most epic results.
It’s YOUR job to help them make an impact and make BANK.
It’s MY job to make sure they keep it.

It’s time to LEVEL UP your programs with a super unique (and super valuable) twist.
ALL your clients - ALL their legal ducks in a row.

With the Destination Legal Template Licensing Program you have the opportunity to GIVE your clients the legal contracts and terms that will protect their businesses for years to come while at the same time adding a hugely valuable asset to your packages that will help you stand out as one amongst the crowd.

Building a multiple 6 and 7 figure business takes innovation, creativity, and a lot of work.

Your work has paid off and you are growing faster and faster.

But it’s a challenge to figure out what to add to your programs to keep them fresh or how to make YOUR programs stand out.

Keep reading to learn how you can give your clients the tools they need to succeed while adding to your brand value.

Here’s the thing...I’ve met so many online business owners with horror stories like these:

  • Losing $10K when a client backs out of a program early (An airtight refund policy would’ve fixed that…)
  • An unhappy client trashing the coach on social media (A non-disparagement clause would’ve handled that…)
  • Clients taking the content and tools you’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into...and using them in their own businesses (An intellectual property clause would help with that…)

...And these are just a few of the unfortunate situations that the right contracts can protect your clients from!

Imagine someone thinking about signing up for your program to grow their passion business, but are worried about #allthethings

Not only the nitty gritty of the strategy and mindset that you will be teaching on, but also HOW to protect their income and content, how to deal with refunds or nightmare clients, protect themselves from liability … and the list goes on!

Long for the days you won’t have to deal with client questions on contracts, copyright or missed payments?

With the Legal Template Licensing Program & Destination Legal by your side as your partner…
 just imagine how much more of your time can be spent in your zone of genius.

Give your clients a unique business asset that the majority of coaches and business owners will not be able to provide.
Stand out as the industry leader that you are.

One of the best ways you can prepare your clients for success is to help make sure they have their legal ducks in row.

Imagine your potential clients see right on your sales page that INCLUDED in your program are the exact contracts and the legal training they need for their business without having to make an additional purchase.

They will have their services ready to sell safely and protected while in your program and have YOU to thank for it!



Sarah here...to answer that question, let me tell you a little bit more about how we became THE trusted destination for THOUSANDS of coaches and online business owners legal needs.

This journey started after I put in my time in the law firm game...and realized it wasn’t for me.

I longed to create a freedom-based online business (just like you!) and became a certified health coach. Along the way, my fellow coaches kept coming to me with legal questions, and it was my pleasure to help them out.

Soon, I realized that coaches were in desperate need of professional legal support. I had the opportunity to make legally covering your booty WAY more easy, fun, and affordable.

That’s why Destination Legal saves online business owners SO much time, money, and stress!


Sarah here...to answer that question, let me tell you a little bit more about how we became THE trusted destination for THOUSANDS of coaches and online business owners legal needs.

This journey started after I put in my time in the law firm game...and realized it wasn’t for me.

I longed to create a freedom-based online business (just like you!) and became a certified health coach. Along the way, my fellow coaches kept coming to me with legal questions, and it was my pleasure to help them out.

Soon, I realized that coaches were in desperate need of professional legal support. I had the opportunity to make legally covering your booty WAY more easy, fun, and affordable.

That’s why Destination Legal saves online business owners SO much time, money, and stress!

Our agreements are:


(no confusing legal jargon here)

Customizable to clients business and needs

(with instructions on how to do so)

Professionally drafted by an attorney who KNOWS the online space inside-and-out

I know you get these questions all the time from your clients...

But can’t I just find a free legal template online?

The problem with most free templates you’ll find online is that they WON’T include most of the clauses and disclaimers you need in a coaching business.

At Destination Legal, our specialty is knowing the ins and outs of the coaching world, so you can be sure that we’ve got you covered!

But can’t I just have yours or copy someone else’s contract?

Actually, that’s called copyright infringement and definitely not legal. Besides, without an attorney to review it, there’s no way to ensure that they will have all the specific protections they need for their business (plus this opens you up to big liability as well if you share it).

Our contracts are all attorney-drafted and easy-to-customize, which means you and your clients can be sure your business’s needs will be met!

LEVEL UP™ allows you to add a unique benefit to your offerings (that allows you to charge more) AND provides your clients with the right legal protections for their business.

We have two packages to choose from, pick the one that is right for your business
RIGHT now!

Level Up Gold

Package Includes:

⚡ONE lifetime license (perpetual non-revocable non-exclusive) chosen from the contract template list below:
     *1:1 Coaching Contract (includes both coaches & health coaches contracts)
     *1:1 Contract for service providers (VAs, OBMs, Social Media, other service providers or freelancers)
     *Terms of Purchase for an Online Course or Group Program

⚡Client access to Destination Legal’s online portal, includes:
     *Downloadable templates and all future updates
      *Video walk-through of how to customize the template for their business
      *Recorded masterclass on “Legally Protecting your Online Business & Brand”

⚡Access for your clients to “The Defense Bundle”
     *Cease & Desist Letter Template for Copyright Infringement
     *Cease & Desist Letter Template for Trademark Infringement
      *Demand Letter Template for Late Payment
     *Contract Amendment Template

⚡1 Private Live Training by Sarah (to be used within 12 months) Pay In Full Bonus!

⚡PLUS one $1000 Gift Card to Destination Legal
⚡PLUS two Make Your Mark Trademark Packages to gift to your clients (or use yourself!) Valued at over $5,000

License Fee:
6 monthly payments of $4,500
One payment of $25,000


Level Up Platinum

Package Includes:

⚡ONE lifetime license (perpetual non-revocable non-exclusive) chosen from the contract template list below:
     *1:1 Coaching Contract (includes both coaches & health coaches contracts)
     *1:1 Contract for service providers (VAs, OBMs, Social Media, other service providers or freelancers)
     *Terms of Purchase for an Online Course or Group Program

⚡Client access to Destination Legal’s online portal, includes:
     *Downloadable templates and all future updates
      *Video walk-through of how to customize the template for their business
      *Recorded masterclass on “Legally Protecting your Online Business & Brand”

⚡Access for your clients to “The Defense Bundle”
     *Cease & Desist Letter Template for Copyright Infringement
     *Cease & Desist Letter Template for Trademark Infringement
      *Demand Letter Template for Late Payment
     *Contract Amendment Template

⚡1 Private Live Training by Sarah (to be used within 12 months) Pay In Full Bonus!

⚡PLUS one $1000 Gift Card to Destination Legal
⚡PLUS two Make Your Mark Trademark Packages to gift to your clients (or use yourself!) Valued at over $5,000

License Fee:
6 monthly payments of $8,500
One payment of $50,000


It's Your Chance...

To take your business to the NEXT LEVEL. If you are serving more than 80 clients at a time, you will make this investment back immediately!

Ready To Level Up?

Please reach out to Sarah at sarah@destinationlegal to get started! We will send over our license agreement and invoice. You may pay via credit card, PayPal, or wire transfer. If you think a different type of license agreement would be a better fit, let's chat!

It's Your Chance...

To take your business to the NEXT LEVEL. If you are serving more than 80 clients at a time, you will make this investment back immediately!

Ready To Level Up?

Please reach out to Sarah at sarah@destinationlegal to get started! We will send over our license agreement and invoice. You may pay via credit card, PayPal, or wire transfer. If you think a different type of license agreement would be a better fit, let's chat!


1. We will send over the license agreement & an invoice.

2. Once that is signed and paid you will receive our welcome packet - all the details of Level Up™ and how to get your templates into the hands of your people!

3. Time to sell & Level Up! We're always here to help!


Can I just give the templates to my client?

From a legal perspective, it's better to have us provide them through our portal. This takes the liability off of you as they will be agreeing to our Terms of Purchase when they sign in. That being said, you have the license to use the templates as you wish under the terms of our agreement (meaning you can't just give them away, they can only be used with paying clients) so if you want to send them directly, that is an option as well.

What if my client doesn’t want to use contracts?

Yikes - That’s a red flag! Contracts exist to protect both both parties. As a coach, you want to convey the importance of these documents (which we know you do already, cause you are a #rockstar) If someone doesn’t want to sign an agreement, then there is no agreement.

Does this work outside of the U.S.?

Yes, our templates are customizable for countries outside the U.S. so wherever your clients are, these will work for them! We always suggest having a local attorney review if anyone has any questions.

Are you my lawyer now (or my client's lawyer)?

No, this is a legal template that your client will complete on their own. It does not create an attorney-client relationship and is not meant to be construed as legal advice.


Neha Premjee, Health Coach

“Thank you for your help, and for the contract templates - they've honestly been such a game changer in legitimizing my business and adding a layer of security!

Thanks for doing what you do - we all need it. Sarah is so knowledgeable, prompt and doesn't hesitate to make herself available to help you with any legal questions you have. She's a great go-to for any online coach or service provider to have iron-clad contracts that protect you and showcase you to your clients as the professional that you are."

"I use Destination Legal templates to help me protect my passion.

Over the years of running my business there have been some pretty crazy things that have happened on the inside, which happens in entrepreneurship, but one thing I know for sure is that by having these templates in my business, I can show up with more confidence and such a feeling of security. I know my sale is secure and that I’m coming from a place of true knowledge when it comes to all things legal. Thank you Destination Legal for making me feel so confident through the process.

Ruby Lee, Intuitive Business Coach

Ruby Lee, Intuitive Business Coach

"I use Destination Legal templates to help me protect my passion.

Over the years of running my business there have been some pretty crazy things that have happened on the inside, which happens in entrepreneurship, but one thing I know for sure is that by having these templates in my business, I can show up with more confidence and such a feeling of security. I know my sale is secure and that I’m coming from a place of true knowledge when it comes to all things legal. Thank you Destination Legal for making me feel so confident through the process.

Tom Sylvester,
Business Coach at The Lifestyle Builders

"In using Sarah’s contracts, what was really nice about them was they were:

1. Simple to use 2. Very simple to customize; and 3. Very inexpensive compared to what you’d pay a lawyer. It’s given me a lot more peace of mind and really reduced a lot of my stress. I know from our other businesses where we’ve had issues that this will ultimately save us probably tens of thousands of dollars over the lifetime of our business. I can’t recommend Sarah enough!”


Notice: This website may be considered attorney advertising. Filling out a form on this site, purchasing a template, or sending us an email does not establish an attorney-client relationship. The information here is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

Ready to LEVEL UP?